
The CHERUB T-shirt's are a way of identifying the rank of a person on cherub campus. The system was introduced in 1957.


Red shirt


The orange shirt is for guests on campus and possible new recruits. Cherubs are only allowed to talk to someone in an orange shirt if the Chairman grants them permission; otherwise they will have to say ”Can’t talk to orange.”


Red shirts are worn by Cherubs who are not qualified to enter training. This is usually because they are under 10 years of age; however it could be due to the reason that a recruit cannot meet the standard requirements to begin basic training. This is considered very humiliating. Cherub accepts children from age 6 upwards, giving them the best possible chance to pass basic training. Sometimes a younger child is admitted if they have an older brother or sister.


This is the trainee shirt, shown here with trainee number. No kid wants to be in a blue shirt. Basic training is the toughest 100 days of a Cherub's life, unless they are captured on a mission.




An agent earns the grey shirt if they make it through basic training and qualify as an agent.



Navy shirt

The navy t-shirt is awarded for outstanding performance on a single mission. This can take multiple missions to acheive, as it is highly unlikely an agent will get outstanding performance in their very first mission.


The black shirt is awarded for outstanding performance over a number of missions. They are given entirely at the discretion of the Chairman. 50% of Cherubs can expect to receive one before they retire.

Black shirt


Most Cherub's retire at 17 years of age. They are given a white shirt when they come back to visit friends, assist in activities and challenges or attend a reunion. Many CHERUB staff also wear the white shirt.

DaveKyleAmy and McEwen(website empty) are the the most well-known to have earnt a white shirt.


White shirt